Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blood Angels Test mini from assault on black reach

It has been too long!  Work has been kicking my butt.  12 hour days are no fun.  Anyways, I finally got around to painting again.  I thought I'd try something simple before i dived back into working on my Dark Eldar.  The assault on Black reach guys have been siting in a box for a long time.  I thought I'd give them a go to get back in plus try out some new techniques.  These pictures were taken with my camera phone, so the quality is so so.  
I airbrushed the all the armor.  I'm pretty happy with the way the red turned out.  I like my models dark.  I started with valljeo grey primer then airburshed black, dark fleshtone, gory red, blood red and then a touch of blazing orange.  I then washed it down with a red shade.  

The next set of pics will have him based with rust pigments applied to the nozzle and pigments applied to the legs and base.

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