Friday, September 9, 2011

Paladins Part 3

I was in the process of painting the bases when I had to rush to the hospital for the delivery of my baby girl.   A little over a week we are finally starting to get settled in.  While mom and daughter were napping on the couch I figured I sneak over and finish the bases.  I still have a little more work to do.  I need to seal them and then apply a blue wash to the armor.  Then I need to apply a rust/earth pigment to the base.  I'm really happy with the way they turned out.  I'm tempted to paint 15 more and Draigo so I can have a Draigo wing army!   I hopefully be able to finish these guys up my the end of next week! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Grey Knight Paladins Part 2

I was able to make some progress on my Paladins.  I really like how the Gold is turning out.  I need to do a wash to the red and I learned a neat way of painting the power cables.  I added some glaze medium to the paint (1:1:1 scarlett red: Blood red: glaze medium, 1:1 Black:Glaze Medium)  it gives a little bit of a rubbery look. Overall They are coming along nicely.  I need to do some touch up to the armor, then wash it and give it a blue tint.  I have their power weapons all taped up for the airbrush :)  More to come.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grey Knights part1 with Vallejo Air metallics

The air metallics are a little tricky to work with.  I might just not have the right air pressure set on my compressor.  The Vallejo Air Metalic Silver was the only air metallic that I did not have a problem with.  I am pretty happy with how they are turning out sofar.  I have all the other bits primed and ready to be air brushed. 

Blood Angels Tactical Squad

I finally put the finishing touches on these guys.  I decided not to do the 3D chipped paint effect that I tried on one of the models. I'm pretty happy overall with the results.  Next up is Grey Knight Terminators with Vallejo Air metallics.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Finshed Blood Angels Test Mini

I'm pretty happy with the way he turned out in the end.  All in all not bad for not using an airbrush in a long time.  The pigments were easy to use and I like the effect that they added. 

Blood Angels Test mini from assault on black reach

It has been too long!  Work has been kicking my butt.  12 hour days are no fun.  Anyways, I finally got around to painting again.  I thought I'd try something simple before i dived back into working on my Dark Eldar.  The assault on Black reach guys have been siting in a box for a long time.  I thought I'd give them a go to get back in plus try out some new techniques.  These pictures were taken with my camera phone, so the quality is so so.  
I airbrushed the all the armor.  I'm pretty happy with the way the red turned out.  I like my models dark.  I started with valljeo grey primer then airburshed black, dark fleshtone, gory red, blood red and then a touch of blazing orange.  I then washed it down with a red shade.  

The next set of pics will have him based with rust pigments applied to the nozzle and pigments applied to the legs and base.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Malifaux - Renegade Steamfitter Johan

So I got in some new Malifaux models and I'm still deciding on what finishing touches to do to the incubi I thought i'd paint something completely different.  This is probably the first non dark model I've ever painted... anyways... I'm pretty happy with the way he is coming out so far.  I still need to do some washes to the skin and some highlights.  Obviously i need to finish up his right arm.  I am airbrushing his  huge hammer so it will have a cool effect.  Then I just need to do some touch ups.  I basically just matched the color scheme thats on the box.  Let me know what you guys think.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dark Eldar Incubi

Finally had a chance to paint again this weekend :)  I changed the whole grey scale...  I tried again this weekend and just wasn't happy.  I got in touch with Hortwerth who came up with the idea and has a beautiful army .  you guys should check it out.  He gave me the paint recipes but said he did wet blending.  I thought i could achieve it with the airbrush but I was wrong...  So anyways I came up with this scheme.  I still wanted to do something with a bluish color and came to this.  The model is still far from done but the concept is now on the model.  I tried a new technique out on the sword which I think suits it quite well.  I might be able to get some follow up pics tomorrow if I have time after I work on some Fourier equations.   Let me know what you guys think.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Moonlit Dark Eldar Warrior

After months of playing with paints I finally came up with a scheme that I like.  This model is not done yet.  I need to clean up the extreme highlights and try and fix the scratch I made on his knee :(  I'm kicking myself since I used an airbrush to shade the model as if he was under the moon.  I don't know how im going to fix that scratch but I'll think of something.  Plus I need to do some cool effect to the sword for a power weapon.  Please comment about what you like to see in the model as well.  I am open to suggestions .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cryx painting project part 1

The airbrush was a success!  I started with a dark grey over the whole model.  I then used codex grey as the mid tone but just at a 45 degree angle with the airbrush and then added white to codex grey and air-brushed the raised areas to give it a natural lighting effect.  I just need to add washes to the recesses and over the model to help the smooth the transition.  All in all I am pretty happy with the cold grey look.  I will get to the washes and painting the details later tonight or tomorrow.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Badger Airbrush

I decided to get a really nice dual-action airbrush.  I have a dual-action syphon one but I wanted one with a little more precision.  I came across this one.  I will be airbrushing up some models tomorrow.  I should hopefully have pics up of my first test run on Sunday.  Oh and I also got a nice paint mixer :)

Dark Eldar ManDrakes

My math courses got in the way of painting but over spring break I finally had a chance to do some painting.  I'm pretty happy with the way these guys turned out.  I just got a new airbrush as well which I will post  and hopefully get to some more painting this weekend.

Monday, January 31, 2011