Saturday, April 16, 2011

Malifaux - Renegade Steamfitter Johan

So I got in some new Malifaux models and I'm still deciding on what finishing touches to do to the incubi I thought i'd paint something completely different.  This is probably the first non dark model I've ever painted... anyways... I'm pretty happy with the way he is coming out so far.  I still need to do some washes to the skin and some highlights.  Obviously i need to finish up his right arm.  I am airbrushing his  huge hammer so it will have a cool effect.  Then I just need to do some touch ups.  I basically just matched the color scheme thats on the box.  Let me know what you guys think.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dark Eldar Incubi

Finally had a chance to paint again this weekend :)  I changed the whole grey scale...  I tried again this weekend and just wasn't happy.  I got in touch with Hortwerth who came up with the idea and has a beautiful army .  you guys should check it out.  He gave me the paint recipes but said he did wet blending.  I thought i could achieve it with the airbrush but I was wrong...  So anyways I came up with this scheme.  I still wanted to do something with a bluish color and came to this.  The model is still far from done but the concept is now on the model.  I tried a new technique out on the sword which I think suits it quite well.  I might be able to get some follow up pics tomorrow if I have time after I work on some Fourier equations.   Let me know what you guys think.