Monday, August 8, 2011

Grey Knight Paladins Part 2

I was able to make some progress on my Paladins.  I really like how the Gold is turning out.  I need to do a wash to the red and I learned a neat way of painting the power cables.  I added some glaze medium to the paint (1:1:1 scarlett red: Blood red: glaze medium, 1:1 Black:Glaze Medium)  it gives a little bit of a rubbery look. Overall They are coming along nicely.  I need to do some touch up to the armor, then wash it and give it a blue tint.  I have their power weapons all taped up for the airbrush :)  More to come.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Grey Knights part1 with Vallejo Air metallics

The air metallics are a little tricky to work with.  I might just not have the right air pressure set on my compressor.  The Vallejo Air Metalic Silver was the only air metallic that I did not have a problem with.  I am pretty happy with how they are turning out sofar.  I have all the other bits primed and ready to be air brushed. 

Blood Angels Tactical Squad

I finally put the finishing touches on these guys.  I decided not to do the 3D chipped paint effect that I tried on one of the models. I'm pretty happy overall with the results.  Next up is Grey Knight Terminators with Vallejo Air metallics.