Monday, March 28, 2011

Moonlit Dark Eldar Warrior

After months of playing with paints I finally came up with a scheme that I like.  This model is not done yet.  I need to clean up the extreme highlights and try and fix the scratch I made on his knee :(  I'm kicking myself since I used an airbrush to shade the model as if he was under the moon.  I don't know how im going to fix that scratch but I'll think of something.  Plus I need to do some cool effect to the sword for a power weapon.  Please comment about what you like to see in the model as well.  I am open to suggestions .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cryx painting project part 1

The airbrush was a success!  I started with a dark grey over the whole model.  I then used codex grey as the mid tone but just at a 45 degree angle with the airbrush and then added white to codex grey and air-brushed the raised areas to give it a natural lighting effect.  I just need to add washes to the recesses and over the model to help the smooth the transition.  All in all I am pretty happy with the cold grey look.  I will get to the washes and painting the details later tonight or tomorrow.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Badger Airbrush

I decided to get a really nice dual-action airbrush.  I have a dual-action syphon one but I wanted one with a little more precision.  I came across this one.  I will be airbrushing up some models tomorrow.  I should hopefully have pics up of my first test run on Sunday.  Oh and I also got a nice paint mixer :)

Dark Eldar ManDrakes

My math courses got in the way of painting but over spring break I finally had a chance to do some painting.  I'm pretty happy with the way these guys turned out.  I just got a new airbrush as well which I will post  and hopefully get to some more painting this weekend.