Monday, October 21, 2013

Biel Tan

Getting back into the hobby.  My local comic bookstore Victory Comics ( is doing an escalation league.  I thought this was a perfect way to get  back into the hobby, get some games in, meet other hobby enthusiasts and stay motivated to paint.  I decided to start a new Eldar army.  My first Eldar was Ulthwe  and lets just say the painting was pretty sloppy mixed in with some decent models but hey! you got to start somewhere.  Anyways, I decided this time to go with a Biel-Tan theme.   I'm still in the works of assembling and painting my first 500 points.  So far I have 3 jet bikes and 1 war walker painted up.  I'm about half way through another squad of jet bikes.  Then I have 5 warp spiders, 6 swooping hawks and 1 Autarch to go...

I'm pretty happy with the way my War walker and jet bikes turned out.  My war walker won the painting competition for tier 1 of the escalation league.  Every tier we are aloud to submit one model to be judged to earn extra points :).  So no bad for not really painting anything for 2 years!  I have a midterm tomorrow night for one of my grad classes so hopefully I'll be able to get back to those jet bikes and have some updates by Wednesday.  Until then happy painting!